Winter Break / Vacaciones de invierno Friday, December 17 will be a minimum day. Students will be dismissed at 1:oopm. Winter break will be Dec 20, 2021 thru January 10, 22. Students return to school on Tuesday, January 11, 2022.
Parent Conferences and Minimum Days Parent Conference week and Minimum days Nov. 15 - Nov. 19. Students are dismissed at 1:00pm
October Student of the Month. Estudiante del Mes de Octubre Congratulations to the students selected for student of the month of October. Keep up the good work. Felicidades a los estudiantes selecionados para el estudiante del mes de octubre. Continuen con su buen trabajo y esfuerzo.
2022-2023 Dual Immersion Academy Orientation Meetings Join the upcoming meetings to learn how your child may enroll in the Dual Immersion Academy (DIA).Acompanenos para informarse en como su hijo/hija puede formar parte de la Academia de Doble Inmersion
METRO - Eastside Transit Corridor Community Meeting METRO will be hosting Community Meetings on November 15, 2021 and November 17, 2021 to discuss the Eastside Transit Corridor.
Clinica de vacunacion 6 de noviembre, 2021 de las 10am a 2pm. Holifield Park1060 S. Greenwood Ave. MontebelloCitias disponibles **Pueden presentarse sin cita***